دوره 9، شماره 4 - ( 8-1403 )                   جلد 9 شماره 4 صفحات 754-744 | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

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Kyalo M N, Chege P, Kamuhu R. Overweight and Obesity and Associated Factors among Adolescent Students in Public Day Secondary Schools in Machakos County, Kenya. JNFS 2024; 9 (4) :744-754
URL: http://jnfs.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-849-fa.html
Overweight and Obesity and Associated Factors among Adolescent Students in Public Day Secondary Schools in Machakos County, Kenya. Journal of Nutrition and Food Security. 1403; 9 (4) :744-754

URL: http://jnfs.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-849-fa.html

چکیده:   (1062 مشاهده)
Overweight and obesity have increased significantly worldwide, placing major economic problems on health systems. This study aims to determine socio-economic characteristics, dietary practices, physical activity levels, nutrition status, predictors of overweight and obesity, and their relationships among adolescents. Methods: The study adopted a cross-sectional analytical study design. 401 adolescents were randomly selected from five secondary day schools using a proportionate-to-size sampling method. Results: Based on the findings, one third (36.3%) of the adolescents were between ages 17-18, with more girls (55.9%) than boys. The number of meals consumed per day among adolescents was 3.34±1.24. Individual dietary diversity score among adolescents was 4.21±1.61. Based on Body Mass Index (BMI), the prevalence of overweight and obesity among boys was 5.2% and 1.8%, respectively, and for girls, it was 7.3% and 3.6%, respectively. Using bioelectrical impedance analysis, the prevalence rates for males were 8.8% and 4.1%, respectively, while for females the rates were 10.1% and 5.1%. Regression analysis revealed that the most significant predictors were energy intake and physical activity, with P˂0.05 based on BMI and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between nutritional status and energy intake, the number of meals, dietary diversity score, and physical activity. Physical activity and dietary practices were the most important predictors of overweight and obesity among adolescents. The study recommends nutrition education and public health interventions in schools’ curricula.

دریافت: 1401/12/19 | انتشار: 1403/8/30 | انتشار الکترونیک: 1403/8/30

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