Zakerian M, Roudi F, Ramezani M, Salari R, Refahi B, Ramezani M et al . Physicochemical Properties, Antioxidative and Antibacterial Activities of the Persian Medicine-Based Maolasal Honey: An Experimental Study. JNFS 2023; 8 (1) :94-101
Students Research Committee, Department of Persian Medicine, School of Persian and Complementary Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract: (1576 Views)
Background: Maolasal is a honey-induced product which may lead to several beneficial effects from the Persian Medicine (PM) point of view. Heating process as a major step of Maolasal preparation may decrease the honey quality and deteriorate thermal treatment indicators of honey. Methods: This study was conducted on four honey samples (from different floral sources). Maolasal preparation process was done according to one of the most important PM references “Gharabadin Kabir”. Thermal treatment indices, antibacterial and antioxidative activities of products were measured. Results: The 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) concentrations of PM-based Maolasal samples of polyfloral, monofloral, and sugar honey were higher than 40 mg/kg; while PM-based Maolasal sample of monofloral honey had acceptable HMF concentration (38.9 mg/kg). Proline content of all samples decreased thorough Maolasal preparation and simple heating processes in all samples and these reductions were greater in monofloral honey and sugar honey Maolasal samples. Maolasal preparation processes decreased diastase activity of all samples. Although Maolasal preparation process led to sucrose content reduction in the three Maolasal samples, sucrose content of Maolasal sample of monofloral honey was higher than its raw sample. Maolasal preparation process increased total phenolic content of all samples. Finally, Maolasal preparation process led to an increase in antibacterial and antioxidant activities of all the samples. Conclusion: Maolasal samples reduced diastasis activity and proline content and increased HMF concentration. Maolasal preparation process may lead to an increase in antibacterial and antioxidative activities of honey which may be helpful for special preventive/therapeutic medicinal objectives.
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public specific Received: 2021/09/4 | Published: 2023/02/21 | ePublished: 2023/02/21