Volume 7, Issue 3 (Aug 2022)                   JNFS 2022, 7(3): 379-387 | Back to browse issues page

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Musazadeh V, Dehghan P, Azadmard-Damirchi S. Effectiveness of Co-Administration of Camelina Oil and Caloric Restriction on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Liver Function and Mental Health in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol. JNFS 2022; 7 (3) :379-387
URL: http://jnfs.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-417-en.html
Nutrition Research Center, School of Nutrition and Food Science, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
Abstract:   (1909 Views)
Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease (CLD). Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants co-supplementation have been considered as an alternative treatment in NAFLD. This trial will evaluate camelina sativa oil (CSO) effects as a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants on cardiometabolic risk factors, metabolic endotoxemia, liver enzymes, hepatic steatosis, and mental health in NAFLD patients. Methods: Forty-six patients with NAFLD will be randomly assigned to either a CSO supplementation or placebo for 12 weeks. Both groups will receive a weight-loss diet too. Insulin resistance, oxidative stress, anti/inflammatory biomarkers, lipid profile, adiponectin, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), anthropometric indices, liver enzymes, hepatic steatosis, and cortisol will be assessed all patients at baseline and post-intervention. DASS and GHQ questionnaires will be completed for all patients at baseline and post-intervention. Results: The CSO is expected to reduce hepatic steatosis and improve cardiometabolic risk factors, liver function, and mental health compared to the placebo group after 12 weeks. Conclusion: The CSO as a phytopharmaceutical drug may improve cardiometabolic risk factors, metabolic endotoxemia, liver enzymes, hepatic steatosis, and mental health in patients with NAFLD.
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Type of article: orginal article | Subject: public specific
Received: 2021/05/28 | Published: 2022/08/19 | ePublished: 2022/08/19

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