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Sangsefidi Z S, Sangsefidi Z S, Sharifian E S, Shakeri H S. Pregnant Women's Iodine Status and Their Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Iodized Salt in Esfarayen and Jajrom Cities in 2016-2017. JNFS 2020; 5 (1) :12-19
URL: http://jnfs.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-273-fa.html
Pregnant Women's Iodine Status and Their Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Iodized Salt in Esfarayen and Jajrom Cities in 2016-2017. Journal of Nutrition and Food Security. 1398; 5 (1) :12-19

URL: http://jnfs.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-273-fa.html

چکیده:   (3138 مشاهده)
Background: Evaluation of status of iodine during pregnancy is crucial. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate it in pregnant women and to evaluate their knowledge, attitude, and practice toward consuming iodized salt. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 150 pregnant women were selected by census method based on the inclusion criteria. The participants' status of iodine was measured by measuring their urinary iodine concentration. Furthermore, the women's knowledge, attitude, and practice were investigated regarding iodized salt intake by a valid questionnaire. Results: Median concentrations of the urinary iodine in total population and Esfarayen people 139.05 (92.0-216.5) and 131.19 (211.43-86.43) μg/l, respectively which were lower than the World Health Organization recommendations (150-249 μg/l), while it was within the recommended range in Jajrom people 176.12 (101.76-248.62) μg/l. Although most people in the total population and Esfarayen people had moderate level of knowledge, attitude, and practice, most mothers in Jajrom had good knowledge and attitude scores along with moderate scores of practices. A significant direct correlation was found between attitude level and urinary iodine concentration (P = 0.043, r = 0.17). Conclusions: In total population, the median urinary iodine concentration was lower than the recommended level. Furthermore, knowledge, attitude, and practice of most people were at the moderate level.

دریافت: 1398/5/2 | انتشار: 1398/11/12 | انتشار الکترونیک: 1398/11/12

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