Volume 9, Issue 3 (Aug 2024)                   JNFS 2024, 9(3): 477-486 | Back to browse issues page

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Asgari Tarazoj F, Sharifi N, Atoof F, Dehghani R, Rabbani D, Miranzadeh M B, et al . Dietary Patterns and Their Association with Sociodemographic and Lifestyle Determinants in Kashan, Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study. JNFS 2024; 9 (3) :477-486
URL: http://jnfs.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-778-en.html
Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Faculty of Health, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
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Dietary Patterns and Their Association with Sociodemographic and Lifestyle Determinants in Kashan, Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study
Faezeh Asgari Tarazoj; MSc 1, Nasrin Sharifi; PhD 2, Fatemeh Atoof; PhD 3, Rouhullah Dehghani; PhD 1,4, Davarkhah Rabbani; PhD 1,4, Mohammad Bagher Miranzadeh; PhD 1,4, Mohammadreza Mazandaranianfard; MSc 2, Reza Sharafati Chaleshtori; PhD2, Gholamreza Mostafaii; PhD *1,4
1 Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Faculty of Health, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran; 2 Research Center for Biochemistry and Nutrition in Metabolic Diseases, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran; 3 Department of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Faculty of Health, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran; 4 Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE Background: Dietary patterns (DPs) are a combination of nutrients which are determined through feeding behaviors of a particular population. Paying attention to DPs gives us a good picture of the diet and eating habits of people in the community. DPs help identify people at risk of chronic nutrition-related illnesses and give them nutritional advice. In the present study, the authors determine the DPs of people in Kashan city, Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the DPs of the Kashan population from September 2019 to March 2020. A validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was used to collect sociodemographic and dietary data. Then, DPs were assessed using principal component analysis. Results: The results showed that the average consumption of food items in cereals and products based on cereals, fruits and fruit products, vegetables and their products, meat and meat products, and milk and dairy products were 282.38±65.71, 287.58±8.89, 364.17±21.05, 34.48±3.81, and 456.65±39.16 g/day, respectively. The identified DPs included: 1) Unhealthy and processed, 2) fruit and fruit-based products, 3) Kashan traditional food, 4) Healthy diet, and 5) Mixed diet. Conclusion: Findings of the present study reveal that sociodemographic factors and lifestyle are associated with food choices. In addition, the authors found the low consumption of grains, fruits, vegetables, and meat and their products in the studied population. The researchers call for nutritional interventions to modify the consumption pattern for these food items.
Keywords: Cross-sectional; Dietary pattern; Lifestyle; Factor analysis
Article history:
Received: 3 Dec 2022
Revised:15 Feb 2023
Accepted: 30 Feb 2023
*Corresponding author:
Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran

Postal code: 8715973474
Tel: +98 031-55589444
Access to sufficient and healthy food is one of the main axes of societal development and health (Gholizadeh et al., 2017). The nutritional status of any individual in society depends on several factors, such as age, gender, cultural factors, economic status, level of education, etc. (Keramati et al., 2015, Rostami et al., 2016). Nutritionists adopt a dietary pattern perspective to investigate the impact of diet on health outcomes (Esmaeilzadeh et al., 2007, Fabiani et al., 2016). In the past, the lack of food and diseases were the main health problems of human societies. However, the main problem today is inadequate attention to healthy nutrition and improper food consumption (Rostami et al., 2016). DPs are related to obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cancer development, and other risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (Batis et al., 2016, Rashidkhani et al., 2008, Sun et al., 2016), and chronic diseases resulting from improper diet and lifestyle are the leading causes of death (Pasdar et al., 2014). Sufficient food consumption during pregnancy plays a vital role in women's health, fetal growth, and birth weight (de Castro et al., 2016, Ghasab Shirazi et al., 2016). Over the last few decades, many epidemiological studies have confirmed that diet notably affects mental health (Li et al., 2017), and studies in Europe have shown the effects of diet quality on developing depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment in the elderly (Milte and McNaughton, 2016). Given the role of people's dietary habits and patterns in nutrient consumption over time and the development of nutrition-related diseases, addressing the DP in general and specific nutrients in particular are critical, albeit complicated (Tarighat-Esfanjani et al., 2016). In addition to food-based dietary guidelines, promoting healthy DPs can help improve diet and health within a population (Ax et al., 2016, Haghighatdoost et al., 2012). In general, DPs can be defined as the amount, proportion, variety, or combination of different foods and drinks in diets and the frequency of their consumption (Schulze et al., 2018). The DPs consisting of food intake complexity could give us a clear picture of the diet and of the nutritional habits of people in society. Moreover, these patterns help identify people with nutrition-related chronic diseases and offer nutritional recommendations due to their less familiarity with nutrient contents in food choices (Hosseyni Esfahani et al., 2008). In other words, it is necessary to consider the combination of different foods that people often consume together based on diet recommendations and guides (Golabi et al., 2016). Therefore, DPs reflect an individual's nutritional behavior; hence, analyzing dominant DPs can provide detailed information on the relationship between diseases and diet, interaction among nutrients, and to a large extent, the correlation between food intake and nutrients (Mohammadshahi et al., 2015). Nutrition training interventions combine educational strategies and environmental support to facilitate the adoption of healthy nutritional behaviors, which can be delivered at individual, community, and policy levels (Ghasab Shirazi et al., 2016). Therefore, there is an urgent need to understand and compare broader DPs among the countries representing different geographic regions and developmental stages (Mikkilä et al., 2015). It is quite evident that pinpointing dominant dietary patterns is different across different regions and cultures, and no comprehensive study has been conducted in Kashan in this domain. Therefore, this study reports on the DPs of people in Kashan.
Materials and Methods
Study population and dietary intake assessment
This cross-sectional study intended to determine the dietary patterns of people in Kashan from September 2019 to March 2020. The sample size based on the consumption ratio of vegetables, fruit, milk, yogurt and buttermilk, legumes, and rice was 0.17, 0.38, 0.13, 0.325, 0.18, and 0.36, respectively (Rostami et al., 2016). The first kind of error of 5% and estimated error of 4% were obtained as 338, 565, 272, 526, 354 and 553, respectively. In this study, more samples (n=562) were selected. Since cluster sampling was used, the total number of samples was equal to 562*1.7=955 based on the effect design of 1.7. Kashan was divided into seven districts based on socioeconomic status, and then, blocks were made based on neighborhoods in each district. According to the weight of each district and the number of blocks, the number of households in each cluster was determined using systematic random selection (the weight of the categories was obtained from the cooperation of the health centers at Kashan University of Medical Sciences. The centers in each district were considered clusters, and the experts of those centers were recruited. The authors conducted a study in each neighborhood by considering the high number of referrals to the centers and the distribution of the covered population). The households were randomly selected from the list of households in each cluster. Households were contacted and mothers were asked (Azadbakht et al., 2012) to refer to the center for examination. In order to collect information on people's diet, the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), which is already validated in Iran, was used (Pasdar et al., 2014). Moreover, the validity and reliability of this questionnaire were confirmed in many studies in Iran (Esfahani et al., 2010, Hosseinpour-Niazi et al., 2013, Rashidkhani et al., 2011). FFQ is a tool to determine the consumption of food items over the past year (Xu et al., 2016).
Participants were excluded if they had at least one of the following characteristics: 1) No FFQ was completed; 2) Less than 30 items were consumed according to the completed FFQ; 3) There was no data for sociodemographic and lifestyle determinants.
Ethical considerations
It is worth mentioning that this paper was part of the research project 98173 of the Vice-Chancellor for Research, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, with an ethics code of IR.KAUMS.MEDNT.REC.1398.114 approved by the University Ethics Committee.
Data analysis
In this study, the food data extracted from the questionnaire was first converted into grams by Nutrition4 software for each person. Finally, SPSS was used to analyze the relevant information. The data obtained from the 144 food item FFQs were used to determine dietary patterns using factor analysis by SPSS. Then, the researchers described the data using descriptive statistics, such as measures of central tendency and dispersion for the quantitative variables. Absolute and relative frequency was used to describe the qualitative variables. Moreover, the authors drew essential tables and diagrams for the variables. Then, the dominant dietary patterns were obtained from th factor analysis. In this study, factor loading values ​​greater than 0.2 were considered to determine dietary groups in each dietary pattern. Factor loading indicated the correlation coefficient between a dietary group and any dietary pattern, with larger values ​​showing a greater correlation and a positive or negative sign representing a direct or inverse relationship between that dietary group and the patterns. As such, the dietary patterns were obtained by placing the consumed food items in these factors and the factor loading values ​​of the groups.
Demographic information, including age, marital status, and level of education is presented in Table 1. The results of the principal components analysis are shown in Table 2.
Five dietary patterns were identified, explaining 35.4% of the overall variance. The DPs included: 1) Unhealthy and processed, 2) Fruit and fruit-based products, 3) Kashan traditional, 4) Healthy, and 5) Mixed.
Table 1. Demographic and anthropometric variables in the studied population (n=955).
Age (year) 39.69 ± 13.80a
Height (cm) 165.72 ± 5.80
Weight (kg) 67.65 ± 10.53
Body mass index (kg/m2) 24.71 ± 4.14
Employment status

565 (59.2)b
390 (40.8)
Education status
  High school diploma
  High school diploma to Bachelor’s degree
  Master’s degree and higher

272 (28.5)
591 (61.9)
92 (9.6)
Economic status

120 (12.6)
473 (49.5)
362 (37.9)
Frequency of people with hypertension 164 (17.2)
Frequency of diabetics 85 (8.9)
Frequency of people with cardiovascular disease 131 (13.7)
Frequency of people with cancer 28 (2.9)
Frequency of obese people 237 (24.8)
Frequency of people with anemia 343 (35.9)
Smoking 17 (1.8)
Alcohol consumption 2 (0.2)
Frequency of people with a family history of hypertension 403 (42.2)
Frequency of people with a family history of diabetes 266 (27.9)
Frequency of people with a family history of cardiovascular disease 305 (31.9)
Frequency of people with a family history of cancer 148 (15.5)
Frequency of people with a family history of obesity   275 (28.8)
Frequency of people with a family history of anemia  231 (24.2)
a:Mean±SD; b: n(%)
Table 2. Factor load of food groups in dietary patterns in Kashan population.
Unhealthy and processed Fruit and fruit-based products Kashan traditional  food Healthy
Food items FLV Food items FLV Food items FLV Food items FLV Food items FLV
Puff Paste 0.705 Peach 0.776 Homemade Halva 0.297 Cooked Beans 0.233 Macaroni 0.235
Mayonnaise 0.678 Nectarine 0.770 Tea 0.252 Bean 0.391 Grapefruit 0.348
Pizza 0.630 Plum 0.734 Tongue 0.795 Cream 0.353 Tuna 0.273
Industrial Ice-cream 0.612 Apricot 0.707 Brain 0.793 Buttermilk 0.265 Coffee 0.255
Confetti 0.610 Persimmon 0.684 Head 0.784 Soya 0.338 Almond 0.217
Sauce 0.602 Kiwi 0.676 Feet 0.770 Groundnut 0.240 Mushrooms 0.220
Pickle 0.559 Cherry 0.662 Tripe 0.612 Margarine 0.200 Thin green pepper 0.259
Chips 0.558 Tangerine 0.657 Sohan 0.541 Corn 0.293 Stewed pumpkin 0.216
Baguette Bread 0.545 Pomegranate 0.631 Haslet 0.525 Dried mulberry 0.351 Potato 0.227
Soda 0.542 Pear 0.622 Gaz 0.503 Vermicelli 0.573 Tomato 0.648
Acerbity 0.541 Fig 0.607 Animal Oil 0.411 Lettuce 0.568 Full fat yogurt 0.601
Cookie 0.539 Lemons 0.607 Taftoun  bread 0.321 Peas 0.540 Cooked vegetables 0.580
Biscuit 0.539 Apple 0.547 Beef 0.288 Lentil 0.539 Cabbage 0.558
Raw onion 0.537 Strawberries 0.536 Whey 0.256 Green live 0.510 Raw onion
Candy 0.536 Banana 0.531 Vetch 0.203 Sweet Oil 0.502 Full fat milk 0.517
Sugar 0.536 Greengage 0.517 Traditional ice-cream 0.294 Bulgur 0.486 Chicken 0.516
Chocolate 0.534 Berry 0.516 Squash 0.480 Lemon juice 0.514
Sausage 0.530 Watermelon 0.501 Ash Reshteh 0.478 Strained yogurt 0.484
Butter 0.513 Date 0.450 Fruit compote 0.462 Cucumber 0.474
Fried potato 0.509 Cantaloupe 0.445 Baked green beans 0.441 Barbari bread 0.473
Cake 0.500 Orange 0.445 Celery 0.434 Minced meat 0.456
Bologna 0.488 Melon 0.382 Turnip 0.415 Salty pickle 0.434
Salt 0.480 Grape 0.376 Pea 0.413 Sangak bread 0.429
Cream pastries 0.470 Dried fig 0.213 Eggplant 0.397 Mutton 0.418
Hamburger 0.465 Dried fruit 0.283 Split pea 0.395 Fried onion 0.416
Chocolate milk 0.464 Sour lemon 0.250 Low-fat milk 0.394 Hazelnut 0.396
Halva 0.464 Raw carrot 0.393 Bell pepper 0.386
Jam 0.452 Raisin 0.386 Cream cheese 0.381
Seed 0.440 Fish 0.348 Egg 0.340
Lavash bread 0.335 Walnuts 0.325 Rice 0.322
Liquid oil 0.299 Vegetable 0.317 Garlic 0.295
Crackers 0.231 Pistachio 0.253 Cheese 0.253
Juice box 0.252 Spinach 0.376
Cooked carrots 0.247
Honey 0.214
Apple juice 0.309
Orange Juice 0.232
Yogurt 0.215
FLV: Factor loadings values of less than 0.2 were removed for simplification.
The results showed that the consumption of unhealthy, processed, and Kashan traditional dietary patterns was reduced in accordance with age. With weight gain, the consumption of unhealthy and processed dietary patterns and fruit and fruit-based products declined. Furthermore, the consumption of unhealthy and processed dietary patterns and fruit and fruit-based products showed a declining trend based on BMI. The results of comparison are shown in Table 3. The association between sociodemographic and lifestyle of the participants and the five dietary patterns are summarized in Table 4. The results showed that a higher level of education was associated with the consumption of unhealthy and processed dietary patterns (P<0.001) and fruit and fruit-based products (P<0.034). On the other hand, low educational level corresponded to consuming mixed dietary patterns (P<0.001). The results further indicated that people with diabetes rarely ate unhealthy and processed patterns (P<0.001) and relied more on healthy patterns (P<0.001). The authors found that people suffering from cardiovascular diseases frequently had healthy dietary patterns (P<0.001) and rarely used unhealthy and processed (P<0.004) traditional (P<0.027) and mixed patterns (P<0.001). In addition, people with cancer consumed less unhealthy, processed (P<0.041), and mixed patterns (P<0.049) and relied more on fruit and fruit-based products (P<0.014) and healthy patterns (P<0.014).
Table 3. Correlation coefficient between dietary patterns, age and anthropometric variables in the studied population.
Variables Unhealthy and
processed food
Fruit and fruit-based
Kashan traditional
Age -0.28 (<0.001)a 0.06  (0.07) -0.16 (<0.001) 0.19 (<0.001) 0.02 (0.56)
Weight -0.11 (0.01) -0.08 (0.02) 0.07 (0.04) -0.04 (0.23) 0.05 (0.15)
Body mass index -0.14 (<0.001) -0.05 (0.11) 0.06 (0.05) -0.02 (0.49) 0.07 (0.02)
a: r (P-value)
Table 4. Association between sociodemographic and lifestyle and dietary patterns in the studied population.
Variables Unhealthy and
processed food
Fruit and fruit-based
Kashan traditional food Healthy
Employment  status <0.001 0.99 0.18 0.004 <0.001
Education status <0.001 0.034 0.137 0.736 <0.001
Economic  status <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Diabetes <0.001 0.332 0.528 <0.001 0.258
Cardiovascular diseases 0.004 0.485 0.027 <0.001 0.001
Cancer 0.041 0.014 0.162 0.014 0.049
Overweight and obese 0.005 0.007 <0.001 0.616 <0.001
Hypertension <0.001 0.370 0.664 <0.001 0.849
Anemia <0.001 0.022 0.165 0.151 0.031
Smoking 0.585 0.143 0.834 0.127 0.684
Alcohol  consumption 0.318 0.270 0.061 0.052 0.332
Family history of diabetes 0.017 0.517 <0.001 0.701 <0.001
Family history of cardiovascular diseases 0.280 0.340 <0.001 0.040 0.818
Family history of cancer 0.426 0.904 <0.001 0.148 0.131
Family history of overweight and obesity 0.016 <0.001 <0.001 0.825 <0.001
Family history of hypertension 0.003 0.031 0.211 0.070 0.061
Family history of anemia 0.032 <0.001 0.825 0.007 0.794
To determine the average consumption of dietary groups, first the average daily consumption of food items in g was obtained. Then, based on the given dietary groups, their per capita consumption was acquired. The results are shown in Table 5. Based on the studied dietary groups, the per capita consumption was compared with the one in 4 clusters from around the world. Iran was in G6, and the European :union: countries were in G7, according to GEMS/Food Consumption Cluster Diets (Table 6).
In this study, based on  per capita consumption of  dietary cluster, the average consumption of fruit and fruit-based products, vegetables and vegetable-based products, cereals and cereal-based products, and meat and meat-based products in Kashan was lower than the national standard (G6). Nonetheless, the consumption of milk and dairy products was higher than the standard. The results showed the consumption of fruit and fruit-based products, vegetables and vegetable-based products, and milk and dairy products in the developing Asian countries of the G1 and G5, such as Tunisia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, was lower compared to people from Kashan. In addition, the consumption of grain and meat in those countries was higher than Kashan. Moreover, it was found that the consumption of fruit and fruit-based products, vegetables and vegetable-based products, cereals and cereal-based products, and milk and dairy products in the developed countries in Europe and America- G7 and G10- such as Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, Australia, and Norway, was lower compared to the one in Kashan. Their meat consumption was also higher than that of Kashan population.
Table 5. Per capita consumption of food groups in Kashan population.
Food groups Standard value G6 Per capita consumption
in Kashan (gram)
Grains and grain-based products 484 282.38±65.71a <0.001
Fruit and fruit-based products 420 287.58±8.89 <0.001
Vegetables and  vegetables-based products 441 364.17±21.05 <0.001
Meat and meat-based  products 77.1 34.48±3.81 <0.001
Milk and dairy products 162 456.65±39.16 <0.001
a: Mean ±SD; b: Independent t-test.
Table 6. Comparing per capita consumption in diet cluster of European :union: countries with the diet cluster in Kashan.
Food groups Per capita consumption
in Kashan (g/day)
Cluster of European :union: countries
G1 G5 G6 G7 G10
Fruit and fruit-based products 287.58 151 160 420 175 201
Vegetables and  vegetables -based products 364.17 155 150 441 217 303
Grains and grain-based products 282.38 380 365 484 247 284
Meat and meat-based  products 34.48 51 62.7 77.1 230 204
Milk and dairy products 456.65 261 177 162 325 279
Egg 23.95 9.26 11.6 17.1 29.8 29.3
Fats 12.22 39.1 33.6 40.2 79.9 75
Fish and seafood 7.23 8.77 16.7 24.6 45.3 56.1
Spices, seasonings and sauces 35.70 4.97 4.81 4.82 6.72 7.84
Legumes and nuts 50.07 20.5 50.6 38.3 15.7 27.3
Sugar and sweets 84.09 102 86.7 116 106 134
The study results showed that people with hypertension rarely ate processed and unhealthy food and depended more on healthy diets. Western, healthy, and traditional food included three dietary patterns in the studies by Rousta, Haghighat Doust, Motaghi, and Shin (Haghighatdoost et al., 2012, Mottaghi et al., 2015, Roosta et al., 2015, Shin et al., 2013). People with a healthy diet had a lower chance of developing hypertension. In contrast, those who followed western dietary pattern had a higher chance of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The study results showed that the cases with cardiovascular diseases frequently consumed healthy food and used less unhealthy, processed, traditional, and mixed foods. In the studies by Hou and Eilat-Adar (Eilat-Adar et al., 2013, Hou et al., 2015), people who consumed healthy food had a lower chance of cardiovascular diseases. The results showed that people with diabetes rarely had unhealthy and processed food and frequently used healthy food. Qian, Alhazmi, and Jannasch identified vegetarian (mostly healthy), healthy, unhealthy, and Mediterranean dietary patterns (Alhazmi et al., 2014, Jannasch et al., 2017, Qian et al., 2019). In these studies, people who consumed more vegetarian and healthy food had a lower chance of diabetes. The results showed that those who were overweight and obese seldom ate unhealthy, processed, and fruit-based products and often had Kashan traditional and mixed food diets. In the studies by Esmailzadeh, Ghorbannejad, and Shanshin, healthy, western, traditional, high-protein, prepared foods, and salty snacks were identified (Esmaeilzadeh et al., 2011, Ghorbannejad et al., 2020, Nazary, 2015). People who consumed healthy food had a lower chance of developing general and abdominal obesity, while those in the highest quintile of Western dietary patterns had a higher chance of general and abdominal obesity. Moreover, the high-protein dietary pattern was directly related to thinness. In this study, people with cancer hardly consumed unhealthy, processed, and mixed food, and frequently used healthy food and fruit and fruit-based products. In the same vein, Tazhibi et al. identified four dominant dietary patterns in the studied population (Tazhibi et al., 2011). Moreover, no significant relationship was detected between dominant dietary patterns and colon cancer risk.
The present study had several limitations to note. The cross-sectional setting of the work only permitted establishing associations, and no causal inferences could be drawn. Furthermore, the portion size was self-reported and might have been misevaluated by the participants. Still, this is a common issue among self-reported dietary intake, and dietary patterns do not change significantly when input variable quantification changes. One of the strengths of this study was the use of state-of-the-art dietary assessment tools, which limited the possibility of bias. Besides, this analysis was carried out by nutritionists using N4 software. The data collection method for food intake was common in epidemiological studies, especially large-scale studies (Li et al., 2017). Overall, the results implied that dietary patterns were closely related to lifestyle.
Five dietary patterns, namely unhealthy and processed, fruit and fruit products-based, traditional Kashan diet, and healthy, and mixed were identified in Kashan population. Then, numerous associated modifiable behaviors were determined. The data on sociodemographic determinants might adequately target the most vulnerable groups in public health interventions.
The authors acknowledge the generous financial/statistical/scientific support of Clinical Research Development Unit of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan University of Medical sciences.        The authors also would like to thank all the participants in the study.
Authors’ contributions
Mostafaii GH and Sharafati Chaleshtori R designed the research. Asgari Tarazoj F and Mazandaranianfard M collected the data. Sharifi N and Atoof F conducted statistical analysis. Sharafati Chaleshtori R, Dehghani R, Rabbani D and Miranzadeh MB wrote the manuscript. Mostafaii GH, Sharafati Chaleshtori R and Asgari Tarazoj F had primary responsibility for final content, and all the authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interests.
This study was funded by Kashan University of Medical Sciences (Grant No.: 98173).
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Type of article: orginal article | Subject: public specific
Received: 2022/12/3 | Published: 2024/08/20 | ePublished: 2024/08/20

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