Volume 8, Issue 1 (Feb 2023)                   JNFS 2023, 8(1): 58-65 | Back to browse issues page

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Javadi M, Pakbin B, Ziaeeha M, Barikani A, Brück W M. Household Food Security and Demographic Factors in Children and Their Parents. JNFS 2023; 8 (1) :58-65
URL: http://jnfs.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-465-en.html
Institute for Life Technologies, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland Valais-Wallis, Switzerland
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Household Food Security and Demographic Factors in Children
and Their Parents

Maryam Javadi; PhD 1, Babak Pakbin; PhD 2,3, Masomeh Ziaeeha; MSc 2,
Ameneh Barikani; MD *2 & Wolfram Manuel Brück; PhD

1 Children Growth Research Center, Research Institute for Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran; 2 Institute for Life Technologies, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland Valais-Wallis, Switzerland; 3 Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Research Institute for Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran.
Background: Food insecurity and hunger contribute to physical, psychological, and social effects. The relationship between food insecurity and negative consequences on health has been confirmed in multiple studies. The present study aims to identify food security and its association with some demographic factors in children and their parents. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 1688 children aged 3-6 years were selected using cluster random sampling in 15 health centers in Qazvin, Iran. Results: The results showed that 855 participants (50.7%) had food security, while 552 (32.7%) had food insecurity without hunger, 242 (14.4%) had food insecurity with slight hunger, and 37 (2.2%) had food insecurity with severe hunger. A significant correlation was observed between parental education level and food security (P < 0.001). Also, there was a significant correlation between the children’s body mass index (BMI) and food security (P < 0.005). No significant difference was observed between BMI, mother weight before delivery, and children’s sleeping and wake-up time in both groups. However, the birth rank (P < 0.01) and number of family (P < 0.02) in the secured group was significantly higher. The age of complementary feeding in the secured group was significantly higher (P < 0.06). Conclusion: Given that there is an association between birth weight, breastfeeding, parents’ education, and occupation with food security, it seems that pregnancy status and breastfeeding should be much more studied.

Keywords: Food security; Body mass index; Children nutrition
Article history:
Received: 23 Aug 2021
Revised: 19 Sep 2021
Accepted: 17 Oct 2021
*Corresponding author:
Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Research Institute for Prevention
of Non- Communicable Diseases, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran

Postal code: 34197-59811 
Tel: +98 913 3578436

A adequate food supply and proper nutrition are basic societal needs (Dastgiri et al., 2006, Javadi et al., 2014, Ziaee et al., 2013) . Food insecurity is defined as uncertain and limited ability to acquire safe and nutritionally adequate foods through socially acceptable ways (Jafarvand et al., 2022, Liu et al., 2014). Food insecurity and hunger contribute to physical, psychological, and social effects. The relationship between food insecurity and negative consequences on health have been confirmed in multiple studies (Cook et al., 2006, Jafarvand et al., 2022, Janzadeh et al., 2020) .
According to the World Food Summit definition, food security has to be provided to all people at all times for an active and healthy life. Food security is based on three principles, including availability, access, and use of food. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 842 million people are not food secure (Azizi et al., 2013, Botreau and Cohen, 2020, Food and Agriculture Organization, 2013). Out of every 6 children, one is underweight; approximately 100 million (Moradi et al., 2018, Payab et al., 2012). Nearly half of all deaths of children under 5 are due to malnutrition, which equates to 3.1 million children each year (Obert E et al., 2013). Most hungry people (about 827 million) live in developing countries. In these countries, 14.3% of the population is undernourished (Azizi et al., 2013, Food and Agriculture Organization, 2013). Asia has the largest number of hungry people, but the prevalence of hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa is also high (Ahmadi Dehrashid et al., 2021, Botreau and Cohen, 2020).
The prevalence of hungry children of primary school age is significant, i.e. 66 million in the world and 23 million in Africa alone (Botreau and Cohen, 2020, Jafarvand et al., 2022). In addition, the prevalence of stunted children in developing countries is also high, which is one out of four in the world and one out of three in developing countries (Moradi et al., 2018).
Studies have illustrated that the prevalence of food insecurity is between 20% and 40% in Iran. But in a study in north of Iran, the prevalence of moderate and severe food insecurity was about 8% and 7%, respectively (Eshraghian et al., 2007, Ostadrahimi et al., 2006, Ramesh et al., 2009). Iran is going through a period of transition in nutrition. Therefore both obesity and food insecurity are prevalent (Ebadi-Vanestanagh et al., 2019). In a meta-analysis study by Mohammadi-Nasrabadi et al., the prevalence of mild to severe food insecurity was 28.6%, 14.9%, and 6.2%, respectively. In this study, mild and moderate food insecurity increased in Iran, while severe food insecurity decreased, but these changes were not significant (Mohammadi-Nasrabadi, 2011). In Iran, however, household food insecurity is mainly affected by economic factors, such as food access and food price instability (Mohammadi-Nasrabadi et al., 2014). Previous studies have suggested that food insecurity affects different variables, such as psycho-social factors (Janzadeh et al., 2020)  and also overweight in women (Ahmadi Dehrashid et al., 2021, Botreau and Cohen, 2020) ,. In another study, there was a positive relation between food insecurity and overweight (Elizabeth et al., 2009). This study aims to evaluate the relationships between food security, body mass index (BMI), and demographic factors in children and mothers.
Materials and Methods
Study design and participants: This descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in health centers in Qazvin in 2015-2016. Based on the population at 15 centers, 1688 children aged 3-6 years were selected using cluster random sampling. After being informed of the goals of the study, the mothers completed the data form related to age, gender, the number of children, parents’ educational level, place of residence, and food security with their consent.
Children aged 3-6 years who lived in Qazvin city, Iran and were generally considered as healthy, without any metabolic diseases confirmed by a pediatrician were entered the study. Participants with diseases including metabolic disorders, acute digestive and respiratory infections, chronic renal failure and hepatic diseases, hemolysis of red blood cells, intestine parasites, and fever were excluded from the study.
 Out of 30 health centers in Qazvin, 15 health centers were selected using systematic cluster random sampling method. At each center, children whose mothers signed the consent letter consciously entered the study, and finally 1688 subjects were included in the study.
Measurements: The measurement of weight, height, and BMI were conducted by dividing the weight (kg) by the square of height. The children were weighed in a standing position, without shoes, and with minimum clothes. Their height was measured by an inflexible metering strip installed on the wall, as they were in a standing position, looking straight ahead, without shoes, in a way that their buttocks, shoulders, and heels touch the wall.
An 18-item United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) questionnaire was used, reviewing household food security in the last 12 months (Bickel et al., 2000). This questionnaire was validated in a study in Isfahan (Rafiei et al., 2009) and adjusted in another study  (Ramesh et al., 2009). It was completed by the subjects’ mothers. The questionnaire was rated as follows:
Responses of “often”, “sometimes”, “almost every month”, “some months”, and “yes”, were scored 1 and responses of “incorrect”, “only 1 or 2 months”, and “no” were scored 0. The subjects were divided into four groups, according to the questionnaire rating, including food secured, food secured without starvation, food secured with moderated starvation, food secured with severe starvation (Payab et al., 2012, Ramesh et al., 2009).
Ethical considerations: The study was submitted and approved for ethics approval and obtaining participant consent by Qazvin University of Medical Science with ethics approval meeting no. 600 held on July 13, 2018.
Data analysis: Data were analyzed by SPSS software version (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill., USA). Absolute and relative frequency, mean, and SD were calculated. To find out the relationship between variables, Chi-square was run for nominal and ranked variables and t-student test was run for quantitative variables in two groups of food secured and food unsecured. Using simple and multiple regression logistic, major variables having a huge effect on food security were studied. The significance level was considered less than 0.05.
Out of 1688 participants aged 36 years, 869 (51.5%) were male and 819 (48.5%) were female. In terms of food security, 855 (50.7%) participants were food secured, 552 (32.7%) unsecured without starvation, 242 (14.4%) unsecured with moderate starvation, and 37 (2.2%) participants unsecured with severe starvation. There was no significant difference between genders, as well as body mass index. There was a significant correlation between parental education level and job, kind of birth of the child based on the level of food security (P < 0.001, Table 1).
There was a relationship between mothers’ lower education level and housewives with decreased food security. Even though the number of mothers with obesity was higher in food insecure group, there was no significant correlation between BMI and food security (P = 0.2, Table 2). There was no significant difference between mothers’ weight before delivery and children’s BMI and bedtime and wake-up time in both groups. However, the birth rank (P = 0.01) and number of family members (P = 0.02) in the insecure group was significantly higher (Table 2).  There was a relationship between mothers’ lower education level and housewives with decreased food security. Even though the number of mothers with obesity was higher in food insecure group, there was no significant correlation between BMI and food security (P > 0.1, Table 2).
There was no significant difference between mothers’ weight before delivery and children’s BMI and bedtime and wake-up time in both groups. However, the birth rank (P < 0.01) and number of family members (P = 0.02) in the insecure group was significantly higher (Table 2). The number of family members, parents’ education, mothers’ job and type of birth were predictive of household food security (Table 3).
Simple logistic fitness suggests a correlation between food insecurity and baby’s height at birth (P = 0.03), ranking at birth (P = 0.01), the number of family members (P < 0.001), father’s education (P < 0.001), mother’s education (P < 0.001), mother’s occupation (P < 0.001), and the age of complementary nutrition (P < 0.06).
Table 1. Frequency distribution of demographic variables in two groups: food secure and food insecure.
Variables Food secure Food insecure Total P-valueb
Mothers’ education
   High school
   Diploma and advanced
   University education

14 (11.8)a
200 (41.6)
413 (54.6)
227 (69.4)

105 (88.2)
344 (45.4)
100 (30.6)


Fathers’ education
   High school
   Diploma and advanced
   University education

17 (17.0)
224 (43.1)
369 (51.8)
243 (69.0)

83 (83.0)
296 (56.9)
343 (48.2)
109 (31.0)


Mothers’ job
   Government employee
   Self- Employment

709 (49.4)
0 (0)
128 (62.1)
15 (39.5)

726 (50.6)
3 (100)
78 (37.9)
23 (60.5)


Fathers’ Job
   Self - employment

10 (29.4)
14 (58.3)
302 (63.6)
522 (45.6)

24 (70.6)
10 (41.7)
173 (34.4)
622 (54.4)


Kind of birth
   Normal vaginal delivery
   Cesarean section

268 (43.0)
577 (55.3)

355 (57.0)
467 (44.7)


Body mass index (kg/m2)

662 (90.4)
49 (6.7)
7 (1.0)
14 (1.9)

637 (87.0)
59 (8.1)
16 (2.2)
20 (2.7)






a: N (%), b: Chi-square test.
Table 2. Comparison of Mean (±SD) of qualitative in two groups: food secure food insecure.
Variables Food secure Food insecure P-valuea
Mother’s weight before delivery (kg) 73.8 ± 11.7 73.9 ± 47.3 0.90
Number of family 1.8 ± 0.8 2.3 ± 1.2 0.02
Mother’s age before delivery (year) 27.3 ± 5.7 26.7 ± 5.9 <0.001
Age of complementary feeding 5.9 ± 0.4 5.9 ± 0.4 0.06
Child body mass index (kg/m2) 16.5 ± 5.7 16.1 ± 7.2 0.20
Duration of breast feeding 21.0 ± 6.3 20.9 ± 5.0 0.004
Birth weight (kg) 3.2 ± 0.4 3.2 ± 0.4 0.20
Birth height (cm) 49.5 ± 2.0 49.5 ± 2.3 0.90
Birth rank 1.5 ± 0.6 1.6 ± 0.7 0.01
Sleep time (night) 11.05 ± 1.28 11.51 ± 1.42 0.06
Wake up time (morning) 8.39 ± 1.17 8.49 ± 1.17 0.20
a: Student t-test

Table 3. Regression logistic ultimate model to study the simultaneous effect of independent variables on food security.
B Odds Ratio P-value
Number of families 0.067 1.07 0.005
Mother’s education -0.611 0.75 <0.001
Father’s education -0.288 0.75 0.002
Mothers’ job 0.201 1.22 0.01
Kind of birth -0.371 0.69 0.002

Food insecurity has been known as a serious public health concern worldwide and more than 850 million people around the world suffer from food insecurity, about 99% of whom are in developing countries, such as Iran. However, the prevalence rate of insecurity in Iran was estimated more than 49% (Jafarvand et al., 2022, Safarpour et al., 2014). In this study, food security was about 50.7% and approximately 16.6% of children had insecurity with starvation. Such figures are warning issues which should be considered. Nasrabadi reported 26.8% moderate malnourishment (Mohammadi-Nasrabadi, 2011), quite different from the present study; while Daneshi (Daneshi Maskooni et al., 2013) reported 69.7%, with almost 40% having starvation, which was much more than the present study. The results of the study by Safarpour (Safarpour et al., 2014)  was in line with the present study.
Parents’ occupation and education are economic parameters which play a crucial role in food awareness and food selection (Javadi et al., 2014), and they are considered as important reasons for food insecurity (Jafarvand et al., 2022, Mohammadi-Nasrabadi et al., 2014). In the present study, mothers had low educational levels and were housewives in the unsecured group. In addition to economy, other factors are at play in food insecurity. Lack of food insecurity in low-income households and the existence of food insecurity in high-income ones point to other effective factors (Ahmadi Dehrashid et al., 2021, Botreau and Cohen, 2020).There was a significant correlation between mothers’ education and food security. Education affects food awareness and culture. It is one of the factors of food insecurity, since it plays a role not only in selecting food and allocating a part of income to buy food but also in its maintaining and cooking (Dastgiri et al., 2006, Jafarvand et al., 2022, Javadi et al., 2014). Such an approach ensures that people buy food rich in calories containing minerals which are necessary for physical health (Dastgiri et al., 2006, Mohammadzadeh et al., 2010).
In terms of mothers’ awareness, the results
of the present study correlates with Mohammadzadeh’s study, but does not correlate with Hakim’s study
(Hakim et al., 2010, Mohammadzadeh et al., 2010). Considering the fact that occupation is influenced by education, the kind of occupation affects food security, as well. Hakim (Hakim et al., 2010) reported no significant correlation between occupation and food security. However, Dastgiri (Dastgiri et al., 2006), Ebadi-Vanestanagh (Ebadi-Vanestanagh et al., 2019)  and Mohammadzadeh (Mohammadzadeh et al., 2010) found out a correlation (similar to the present study) between housewives and food insecurity. There was no association between food security and gender in this study. Although the effect of gender on food security can be much more significant in developing countries, it was of little significance in underdeveloped countries. Food security has been reported in 60% of females which is more than males (Botreau and Cohen, 2020) .

In the present study, there was a significant correlation between the period of breastfeeding and household food security, indicating that the more infants were breastfed, the more they had food security. It can be suggested that food security is less likely in children who were breastfed. One of the most effective strategies in low-income societies to decrease food insecurity is breastfeeding (Salmon, 2015, Zubieta et al., 2006). Adopting correct behaviors lead to a healthy life (Hajhashemkhani et al., 2015, Javadi et al., 2014), one of which is sleeping that plays a crucial role in children’s health, appetite, and growth (Javadi et al., 2014). In the present paper, bedtime and wake-up time was not different in secured and unsecured groups. However, in the study by Yong Liu et al., insufficient sleeping correlated with food insecurity (Liu et al., 2014).
Another parameter signifying healthy eating habits and the lack of food insecurity is mothers’ weight during pregnancy, correlating with birth weight. There was a positive connection between mother’s weight at delivery and food insecurity, in line with other studies (Daneshi Maskooni et al., 2013, Eshraghian et al., 2007, Hakim et al., 2010). One of the strengths of the present study was the subjects’ numbers as well as the simultaneous study of the relationship between sleeping and BMI with food security. A limitation of the study was that the mother’s level of nourishment during pregnancy was not considered which might be correlated with birth weight.  
Given the fact that there was a relationship between birth weight, breastfeeding, parents’ education, and occupation with food security, it seems that pregnancy status and breastfeeding should be much more studied.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Vice Chancellor of Research, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran, for financial support, as well as Social Health Research Center, and health centers assistants, especially Ms. Teymouri.
Authors’ contributions
Javadi M collected the data and designed the research and wrote the manuscript, Pakbin B and Bruck WM wrote, reviewed, and revised the manuscript, Ziaeeha M analyzed the data and Barkani A supervised the project, designed the research, and performed the statistical analysis. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflict of interest
There is not any conflict of interest.
Ahmadi Dehrashid A, et al. 2021. Food security assessment in rural areas: evidence from Iran. Agriculture & food security. 10 (1): 1-18.
Azizi S, et al. 2013. Food insecurity and some associated socioeconomic factors among women with metabolic syndrome referred to clinics of shiraz university of medical sciences. Armaghane danesh. 18 (2): 95-106.
Bickel G, Nord M, Price C, Hamilton W & Cook J 2000. Guide to measuring household food security (ed. F. a. N. S. USDA, Office of Analysis, Nutrition and Evaluation): Alexandria
Botreau H & Cohen MJ 2020. Gender inequality and food insecurity: A dozen years after the food price crisis, rural women still bear the brunt of poverty and hunger. Advances in food security and sustainability. 5: 53-117.
Cook J, et al. 2006. hild food insecurity increases risks posed by household food insecurity to young children's health. Clinical journal of nutrition. 136 (4): 1073-1076
Daneshi Maskooni M, et al. 2013. Food insecurity and some associated socioeconomic factors among upper gastrointestinal cancer patients. Medical journal of Mashhad University of medical sciences. 56 (1): 56-61.
Dastgiri S, Mahboob S, Tutunchi H & Ostad Rahimi A 2006. Factors Affecting Food Insecurity: A cross-sectional study in Tabriz 2004-5. Journal of Ardebil medical school. 6 (3): 233-239.
Ebadi-Vanestanagh M, Azizi-Lalabadi M, Jahangiry L & Alizadeh M 2019. Challenges of Food Insecurity Indicators, Diet Quality and Weight Outcomes in Women: A Cross-Sectional Study. Preventive nutrition and food science. 24 (4): 393-399.
Elizabeth M-K, Bettylou S & Jan K 2009. Food Insecurity Is Associated with Overweight in Children Younger than 5 Years of Age. Journal of the American dietetic association. 109 (10): 1790–1794.
Eshraghian, MR., Siassi F & Jazayeri G 2007. Obesity and Food Security in Yazd Primary Schools. Tehran medical University journal. 65 (7): 68-76.
Food and Agriculture Organization 2013. The State of Food Insecurity in the World. Rome.
Hajhashemkhani M, Dalvandi A, Kashaninia Z, Javadi M & Biglarian A 2015. The Relationship between Family Health Promoting Lifestyle and Sleep Habits in Children 6 to 11 Years old. Journal of Mazandaran University of medical sciences. 25 (127): 92-99.
Hakim S, Dorosti Motlagh A & Eshraghiam M 2010. The Connection between Food insecurity as well as Socioeconomic Parameters and BMI in Women in the city of Dezful. Journal of medical school and health research institute. 66 (8): not find.
Jafarvand E, Abdollahi Z, Edalati S, Niknam MH & Jalali M 2022. Food Security Threats Worldwide and in Iran. Iranian journal of culture and health promotion. 6 (3): 443-451.
Janzadeh H, Mozaffari-Khosravi H & Javadi M 2020. The Association of Food Insecurity, Inflammation, and Several Socioeconomic Factors with Type 2 Diabetes: A Case-Control Study. Journal of nutrition and food security. 5 (1): 38-46.
Javadi M, et al. 2014. Sleep Habits and Dietary Intake among Pre-school Children in Qazvin. Journal of comprehensive pediatrics. 5 (1): e5134.
Liu Y, Njai R, Greenlund K, Chapman D & Croft J 2014. Relationships Between Housing and Food Insecurity, Frequent Mental Distress, and Insufficient Sleep Among Adults in 12 US States, 2009. Preventive chronic diseases 11: .1-9.
Mohammadi-Nasrabadi F 2011. Measurement and modeling of household food security in urban households in the city of Tehran. In Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology, . Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.
Mohammadi-Nasrabadi F, Omidvar N, Khoshfetrat M & Kolahdooz F 2014. Household food insecurity in the Islamic Republic of Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eastern Mediterranean health journal. 20 (11): 698-706.
Mohammadzadeh A, Dorosti Motlagh A & Eshraghiam M 2010. A Review of Food Security and Food Consumption in High School Students of Isfahan. . Iranina journal of epidemiology. 7 (1): 38-43.
Moradi Y, et al. 2018. Prevalence of underweight and wasting in Iranian children aged below 5 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean journal of pediatrics. 61 (8): 231.
Obert E B, et al. 2013. Series on Maternal and Child Nutrition. Lancet 382 (9904): 1550-1551.
Ostadrahimi A, Mahboob S, Totonchi H, Dastgiri S & Dadgar L 2006. Prevalence and intensity of food insecurity (hunger and hidden hunger aspects) in Asad Abadi region of Tabriz. Yafteh journal. 8 (8): 75–81.
Payab M, Dorosty Motlagh A, Eshraghian M, Siassi F & karimi T 2012. The association between food insecurity, socio-economic factors and dietary intake in mothers having primary school children living in Ray 2010. Iranian journal of nutrition sciences & food technology. 7 (1): 75-84.
Rafiei M, Nord M & Sadeghizadeh A 2009. Assessing the internal validity of a household survey-based food security measure adapted for use in Iran. Nutrition journal. 8 (1): 28.
Ramesh T, Dorosti Motlagh A & Abdollahi M 2009. Prevalence of Food Insecurity in Shiraz Households and the onnection of Socioeconomic Factors with it in 2008. Journal of nutrition and food sciences of Iran. 4 (4): 55-64.
Safarpour M, et al. 2014. Prevalence and Outcomes of Food Insecurity and Its Relationship with  Some Socioeconomic Factors. Knowledge & health. 8 (4): 193-198
Salmon L 2015. Food security for infants and young children: an opportunity for breastfeeding policy. International breastfeed journal. 10 (1): 1-3.
Ziaee A, Javadi A, Javadi M, Zohal M & Afaghi A 2013. Nutritional status assessment of minodar residence in Qazvin City, Iran: Vitamin D deficiency in sunshine country, a public health issue. Global journal of health science. 5 (1): 174.
Zubieta A, Melgar‐Quinonez H & Taylor C 2006. Breastfeeding practices in US households by food security status. The FASEB journal. 20: A1004-A1005.

Type of article: orginal article | Subject: public specific
Received: 2021/08/23 | Published: 2023/02/21 | ePublished: 2023/02/21

1. Ahmadi Dehrashid A, et al. 2021. Food security assessment in rural areas: evidence from Iran. Agriculture & food security. 10 (1): 1-18.
2. Azizi S, et al. 2013. Food insecurity and some associated socioeconomic factors among women with metabolic syndrome referred to clinics of shiraz university of medical sciences. Armaghane danesh. 18 (2): 95-106.
3. Bickel G, Nord M, Price C, Hamilton W & Cook J 2000. Guide to measuring household food security (ed. F. a. N. S. USDA, Office of Analysis, Nutrition and Evaluation): Alexandria
4. Botreau H & Cohen MJ 2020. Gender inequality and food insecurity: A dozen years after the food price crisis, rural women still bear the brunt of poverty and hunger. Advances in food security and sustainability. 5: 53-117.
5. Cook J, et al. 2006. hild food insecurity increases risks posed by household food insecurity to young children's health. Clinical journal of nutrition. 136 (4): 1073-1076
6. Daneshi Maskooni M, et al. 2013. Food insecurity and some associated socioeconomic factors among upper gastrointestinal cancer patients. Medical journal of Mashhad University of medical sciences. 56 (1): 56-61.
7. Dastgiri S, Mahboob S, Tutunchi H & Ostad Rahimi A 2006. Factors Affecting Food Insecurity: A cross-sectional study in Tabriz 2004-5. Journal of Ardebil medical school. 6 (3): 233-239.
8. Ebadi-Vanestanagh M, Azizi-Lalabadi M, Jahangiry L & Alizadeh M 2019. Challenges of Food Insecurity Indicators, Diet Quality and Weight Outcomes in Women: A Cross-Sectional Study. Preventive nutrition and food science. 24 (4): 393-399.
9. Elizabeth M-K, Bettylou S & Jan K 2009. Food Insecurity Is Associated with Overweight in Children Younger than 5 Years of Age. Journal of the American dietetic association. 109 (10): 1790–1794.
10. Eshraghian, MR., Siassi F & Jazayeri G 2007. Obesity and Food Security in Yazd Primary Schools. Tehran medical University journal. 65 (7): 68-76.
11. Food and Agriculture Organization 2013. The State of Food Insecurity in the World. Rome.
12. Hajhashemkhani M, Dalvandi A, Kashaninia Z, Javadi M & Biglarian A 2015. The Relationship between Family Health Promoting Lifestyle and Sleep Habits in Children 6 to 11 Years old. Journal of Mazandaran University of medical sciences. 25 (127): 92-99.
13. Hakim S, Dorosti Motlagh A & Eshraghiam M 2010. The Connection between Food insecurity as well as Socioeconomic Parameters and BMI in Women in the city of Dezful. Journal of medical school and health research institute. 66 (8): not find.
14. Jafarvand E, Abdollahi Z, Edalati S, Niknam MH & Jalali M 2022. Food Security Threats Worldwide and in Iran. Iranian journal of culture and health promotion. 6 (3): 443-451.
15. Janzadeh H, Mozaffari-Khosravi H & Javadi M 2020. The Association of Food Insecurity, Inflammation, and Several Socioeconomic Factors with Type 2 Diabetes: A Case-Control Study. Journal of nutrition and food security. 5 (1): 38-46.
16. Javadi M, et al. 2014. Sleep Habits and Dietary Intake among Pre-school Children in Qazvin. Journal of comprehensive pediatrics. 5 (1): e5134.
17. Liu Y, Njai R, Greenlund K, Chapman D & Croft J 2014. Relationships Between Housing and Food Insecurity, Frequent Mental Distress, and Insufficient Sleep Among Adults in 12 US States, 2009. Preventive chronic diseases 11: .1-9.
18. Mohammadi-Nasrabadi F 2011. Measurement and modeling of household food security in urban households in the city of Tehran. In Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology, . Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.
19. Mohammadi-Nasrabadi F, Omidvar N, Khoshfetrat M & Kolahdooz F 2014. Household food insecurity in the Islamic Republic of Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eastern Mediterranean health journal. 20 (11): 698-706.
20. Mohammadzadeh A, Dorosti Motlagh A & Eshraghiam M 2010. A Review of Food Security and Food Consumption in High School Students of Isfahan. . Iranina journal of epidemiology. 7 (1): 38-43.
21. Moradi Y, et al. 2018. Prevalence of underweight and wasting in Iranian children aged below 5 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean journal of pediatrics. 61 (8): 231.
22. Obert E B, et al. 2013. Series on Maternal and Child Nutrition. Lancet 382 (9904): 1550-1551.
23. Ostadrahimi A, Mahboob S, Totonchi H, Dastgiri S & Dadgar L 2006. Prevalence and intensity of food insecurity (hunger and hidden hunger aspects) in Asad Abadi region of Tabriz. Yafteh journal. 8 (8): 75–81.
24. Payab M, Dorosty Motlagh A, Eshraghian M, Siassi F & karimi T 2012. The association between food insecurity, socio-economic factors and dietary intake in mothers having primary school children living in Ray 2010. Iranian journal of nutrition sciences & food technology. 7 (1): 75-84.
25. Rafiei M, Nord M & Sadeghizadeh A 2009. Assessing the internal validity of a household survey-based food security measure adapted for use in Iran. Nutrition journal. 8 (1): 28.
26. Ramesh T, Dorosti Motlagh A & Abdollahi M 2009. Prevalence of Food Insecurity in Shiraz Households and the onnection of Socioeconomic Factors with it in 2008. Journal of nutrition and food sciences of Iran. 4 (4): 55-64.
27. Safarpour M, et al. 2014. Prevalence and Outcomes of Food Insecurity and Its Relationship with Some Socioeconomic Factors. Knowledge & health. 8 (4): 193-198
28. Salmon L 2015. Food security for infants and young children: an opportunity for breastfeeding policy. International breastfeed journal. 10 (1): 1-3.
29. Ziaee A, Javadi A, Javadi M, Zohal M & Afaghi A 2013. Nutritional status assessment of minodar residence in Qazvin City, Iran: Vitamin D deficiency in sunshine country, a public health issue. Global journal of health science. 5 (1): 174.
30. Zubieta A, Melgar‐Quinonez H & Taylor C 2006. Breastfeeding practices in US households by food security status. The FASEB journal. 20: A1004-A1005.

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